Mr. Peguero is a more than 30 years’ attorney practicing law in the Dominican Republic for all kind of clients and covering mostly all legal matters. He is well known in the legal community and business people as a general practitioner. Who have an overall view of legal problems.
His valuable contribution in CORPORATELAWDR is that he is one of the highest and well reputated Notary Public of the country. Mr. Peguero obtained his License to be a Notary Public on 1994. He is being authenticating and archiving documents in the National District, Santo Domingo where he is licensed to practice for more than 25 years which converts him in one of the highest trustful and experience notary.
1988 Bachelor of Law, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU). Santo Domingo, Dominicana Republica.
1994 Notary Public License for the National District (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic). Membership Dominican Republic Notary College.
Our firm represents a variety of business, financial, institutional, and individual clients in a wide range of matters.
This Notary Public practice is very intense: from registration of companies acts and corporate matters, to authentication of signatures and all kind of documents for natural persons (civil, family, probate, heritage matters among others), and companies including banks, finance companies, telecommunication companies, hotels, resorts, casinos and leisure industry, energy sector, business to property sales, signature of preliminary contracts, signature of sale agreements. Mr. Peguero has expertise in assisting to all kind of events to authenticate them.
Upon the approval of the new Notary Act Number 140 on 2015, in the Dominican Republic, his reputation helped him to achieve one of the top and best options for the Dominicans residing in the National District. The Law is more strict and as skilled and competent Notary his reputation contribute to secure his probative value, enforceability and legal date. This has resulted in a significant increase of the volume of work for him, due not only to his skills and competence but also for his trust and intense daily practice. This grants mayor valuable legal security to CORPORATELAWDR´s clients.
Mr. Peguero is engaged not only in particular clients practice, but also renders notary services to Governmental offices and State Ministries.